• CLEAN AND ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY Natural gas is the cleanest and most environmentally friendly of all fossil fuels...Read more

  • WELL DRILLING PADThe size of a typical drilling pad is about 1 hectare. To compare, the floorage of an average shopping centre is 4.5 hectares... Read more

  • SECURING OF WELL DRILLING PADA drilling pad as well as the adjacent pool are reinforced and tightened with concrete slabs. Protective foil is additionally laid where necessary.

  • WORK NOISEWell drilling does not produce onerous noise. The intensity of sounds generated in connection with drilling work is lower than that generated by street traffic.Read more

  • SAFETY OF FRACTURING PROCESSIn Poland, exploration wells in shale rock are drilled to depths of over 2.5 km.Read more

  • COMPOSITION OF FRACTURING FLUIDFracturing fluid is 95% water. Read more

  • NO MAJOR LANDSCAPE INTERFERENCEIf gas production is launched, the land surrounding the isolated, secured zone, is subject to a reclamation treatment. Read more

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements – Contents

27. Employee Benefit Obligations

in PLN m

  Dec 31 2012 Dec 31 2011
Length-of-service awards  175 192
Retirement severance payments  140 128
Wages and salaries payable  72 66
Amounts payable for unused holiday entitlement  55 42
Termination benefits 105 57
Other employee benefit obligations  128 21
Total 675 506
Non-current 319 268
Current 356 238
675 506

27.1. Actuarial income statement for length-of-service award and retirement severance payment obligations

in PLN m

Dec 31 2012 Dec 31 2011
Length-of-service awards
Value of obligation shown in the statement of financial position at beginning of the period 192 209
Interest cost 4 6
Current service cost 8 7
Past service cost (3)  - 
Benefits paid (61) (55)
Actuarial gain/loss 8 27
Gains/losses due to curtailments or settlements  -  (2)
Changes in the Group 28  - 
Reclassification into liabilities associated with assets held for sale  (1)  - 
Value of obligation shown in the statement of financial position at end of the period 175 192
Retirement severance payments
Value of obligation shown in the statement of financial position at beginning of the period 128 119
Current service cost 8 8
Interest cost 4 6
Net actuarial gain/loss recognised during the reporting period 2 3
Benefits paid (19) (9)
Past service cost 1 1
Gains/losses due to curtailments or settlements  -   - 
Changes in the Group 16  - 
Reclassification into liabilities associated with assets held for sale  -   - 
Value of obligation shown in the statement of financial position at end of the period 140 128
Total value of obligation shown in the statement of financial positionat end of the period 315 320

The technical rate adopted to calculate the discounted value of the future retirement severance payment obligations was 2.00%, as the resultant of the 3.73% annual return on assets and the 1.7% forecast annual salary growth (at the end of 2011 the adopted technical rate was 2.8%, as the resultant of 5.87% and 3.0%, respectively).

As at the end of 2012, the Group entities had set up provisions for costs related to employment streamlining and voluntary termination programmes. These provisions were recognised on the basis of the Voluntary Termination Programmes (the “Programmes”) and Workforce Streamlining Schemes (the “Schemes”) adopted and announced by companies of the PGNiG Group. The purpose of the Programmes and the Schemes is to improve the Group’s operational efficiency and reduce operating costs.