Human and environmental safety

Environmental impact of the shale gas production process has been the subject of numerous research projects and scientific analyses. Such research and analyses have demonstrated that if correctly performed, shale gas production has no adverse effect on the quality of drinking water, air or soil pollution, or on seismic processes (earthquakes).

Human and environmental safety

Scientists have identified no threats from the processes to human or animal health. A report prepared in 2011 by the National Geology Institute for the Minister of Environmental Protection concerning the fracturing process carried out by PGNiG in one of the first wells drilled for shale gas in Łebień (Pomerania) has confirmed that the soil, the air and the water – i.e. all the environment components which were analysed by the researchers – are not endangered if shale gas exploration work is conducted in compliance with the law.

Millions of wellbores and hydraulic fracturing operations have already been carried out around the globe in preparation for shale gas production. Specialist environmental protection services have never identified any adverse environmental incidents where processes were failure-free and compliant with the applicable standards.